Friday, 16 December 2011

Fonts list updated for December

I have added a sample of the font from Creative Memories This & That cart to the Fonts list.

I have also added the font from the Baby Boutique cart that I missed. Thanks Arlene (scrappinintoronto) for letting me know!

Here's the samples:

Here's the links:

Download the full International A4 size version here:

Download the full US letter size version here:

Download the additions only version here:

Hello Thursday December 2011

Hello Thursday has been posted. Here's the link to the announcement if you didn't get the email:

There are four new carts this month, two of them Imagine carts.

They are:

Good Old Days (Imagine Art)
Notebook Doodles (Imagine Patterns)
This & That (Creative Memories Exclusive)
Victorian Romance 

PC have also released four more of the existing cartridges digitally. They are Art Nouveau, Chic & Scary, Simply Scarecrows and Something to Celebrate. These digital carts can only be used with Cricut Craft Room or the Gypsy. (Unless PC make a way for Design Studio to recognise that you own the digital cart.)

There are eight cartridges retiring this month. They are:

Batman - The Brave and the Bold
Forever Young
Pink Journey
Walk in my Garden

Here's the screen shots of the new carts (Click on the image to go to the Cricut Blog post to see some amazing projects created with the new carts):

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

October and November Cartridges

Just a quick heads up to let you know that the October and November carts have now been added to Design Studio.

Download them from

Friday, 25 November 2011

Changing your user name on the Cricut messageboard

I've noticed since the latest messageboard update that new members names have a long series of numbers after them. If you'd like to change your username to something else it's very easy. Here's how you do it:

First, make sure you are logged into the messageboard.

At the top of the screen (it doesn't matter which forum you're viewing) click on My Profile

At the next screen (the Control Panel) click on Edit Profile

The first option on that page is your display name. Delete the current name and type in the name you want displayed on the messageboard, then click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.

You'll be taken back to the Control Panel screen. To return to the messageboard click on the Cricut Community banner at the top of the screen.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Wow!!!! - What a huge reaction!!

I have to say a huge THANK YOU to the wonderful Joy from Obsessed with Scrapbooking for mentioning my little old Fonts list on her blog.

The reaction has been amazing and the comments have been very much appreciated.

Thank you to all of you who commented and big hugs to all my new followers!

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Cricut Fonts list - November update

I have added 3 new carts to the Cricut Fonts list. You'll find samples of Cricut Craft Room Basic, Cricut Font and Basic Shapes and Greek Alphabet.

Download the full International A4 size version here:
Download the full US letter size version here:
Download the additions only version here:

Pin It

Friday, 18 November 2011

Hello Thursday - November 2011

Just two new Cricut carts to show you this month.

The first is called Cricut Font and Basic Shapes and comes free with the Cricut Mini. This is a digital cart which is available through Cricut Craft Room. There are three fonts on this cartridge.

The second is a seasonal cart called Snow Day.

The carts have now been added to the DS. Get the Cartridge content Update here:

Retired carts - November

It's time to say goodbye to more carts this month. If they're on your wish list don't waste any time looking for them:

Tie the Knot
My Community
Graphically Speaking
A Child's Year
Old West
Sesame Street Font
Simply Sweet

I'll be updating the Cricut Fonts list soon and will post when I'm done.

And now for something completely different. In the next couple of days I'll be doing my first ever giveaway. If you like digital scrapbooking software then keep a look out because I'll be giving away a copy of a fantastic program called My Memories Suite. Stay tuned for more info on that!

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Fonts list update - October 2011

I have added the font samples from the carts announced this month. There are fonts on Go Canada, 'Tis the Season, Noah's ABC Animals, Ribbons & Rosettes and Sweater Weather.

Here's a preview:

Download the full list in Letter size paper here:
Download the full list in A4 size paper here:
Download just the October additions here:

Feel free to share my files by directing your friends to this blog. :)


Hello Thursday - October 2011

Wow! Hello Thursday is on steroids this month! There are 13 new carts. And they are a great mix of full carts, Lite Carts, Project Carts and Imagine carts.

Here's the list - previews are below.

Imagine carts
Christmas Wish - Colors & Patterns - Exclusive to
Floral Emporium - Colors & Patterns - Exclusive to
Santas Village - Art cartridge

Lite Carts - Exclusive to Walmart and
Fast Food
Pet Shop
Sweater Weather

Full carts
Go Canada - Exclusive to Michaels Canada
New Testament
Noah's ABC Animals- Exclusive to Michaels
Paper Trimmings - Exclusive to current Cricut Circle members
Ribbons & Rosettes
'Tis the Season - Exclusive to Creative Memories

Project carts

All of the carts have made their way to Cricut Craft Room. They have also been added to Design Studio. Link here:

Note: The Imagine carts won't show up in Design Studio.

Cartridges that have been announced as retiring are:

Block Party
Chore Chart
Lovely Floral
Slumber Party
Splish Splash

 Fast Food




 So, which ones are on your wish list?

Thursday, 20 October 2011

I'm so behind! Septembers Hello Thursday

I love going on vacation but it's so hard to get back into the groove when you get back! I have a lot of catching up to do and I have to be quick! Today is Hello Thursday and I haven't even posted last months carts! So without further ado...

Two new carts for September.... Scandinavian Christmas Cards (a Seasonal cart) and Hey Diddle Diddle (an Imagine cart). Both have been added to the Design Studio Cartridge Content Update (previously known as the Font Pack).

Stay tuned for Octobers Hello Thursday. It's huge!!!!!

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Some blatant cross promotion!

You all know how much I love Design Studio right? But you also know I love Cricut Craft Room too and co-produce a blog dedicated to that program.... right????

Well, if you're also using CCR you might be interested to know that Scrapalette and I just posted our first CCR challenge on the blog. The prize is any cartridge from

Head on over to if you'd like more information!

Here's the project Scrapalette made for the challenge.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Missed a cart on the Font List!

Huge thanks to Dawn (dragonfly50) for letting me know I'd missed the font from Paper Lace 2!!!

I have added it to the list but it won't be uploaded until the next lot of carts that have fonts on them are released.

In the mean time I have created a separate PDF with just the font sample from Paper Lace 2.

Here's the link:

And here's what it looks like.

Sunday, 21 August 2011

July & August carts are now added to the Font Pack

You can download the latest Font Pack from

The following carts are in the latest update:

Chic and Scary

Art Nouveau

Close to my Heart - Art Philosophy Cricut Bundle

Simply Scarecrows

Something to Celebrate


Saturday, 20 August 2011

Hello Thursday - August 2011

Just the one cart for Hello Thursday this month. But if you like Teresa Collins and/or Halloween you'll probably love it!

Her new Seasonal cartridge is called Chic and Scary.

We don't really do Halloween in a big way in Australia yet so this one probably won't be high on my list. However, there are some days where this image would be quite appropriate in my house. :)

There are eight carts retiring this month. They are:

My World
Sesame St Friends
Hannah Montana
Jolly Holidays
Disney Princesses Dreams Come True
Inspired Heart

See you next month!

Monday, 15 August 2011

Font list updated for July 2011 carts

The July fonts have been added to Cricut Craft Room so finally I can share the new Fonts list with you.


Full US version

Full A4 version

Additions only version

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Happy Birthday to Scrapalette!

Head on over to Scapalette's blog and wish her a Happy Birthday and you'll be in the running to win the cart of your choice from Cricut Rewards!

Around the Block with scrapalette: Happy Birthday to me! But, you could be the one ma...: "Yes, today is my birthday! And I wanted to show you a cute little cake made with a tea light. The basic instructions are from SplitCoastStam..."