Friday, 16 December 2011

Fonts list updated for December

I have added a sample of the font from Creative Memories This & That cart to the Fonts list.

I have also added the font from the Baby Boutique cart that I missed. Thanks Arlene (scrappinintoronto) for letting me know!

Here's the samples:

Here's the links:

Download the full International A4 size version here:

Download the full US letter size version here:

Download the additions only version here:

Hello Thursday December 2011

Hello Thursday has been posted. Here's the link to the announcement if you didn't get the email:

There are four new carts this month, two of them Imagine carts.

They are:

Good Old Days (Imagine Art)
Notebook Doodles (Imagine Patterns)
This & That (Creative Memories Exclusive)
Victorian Romance 

PC have also released four more of the existing cartridges digitally. They are Art Nouveau, Chic & Scary, Simply Scarecrows and Something to Celebrate. These digital carts can only be used with Cricut Craft Room or the Gypsy. (Unless PC make a way for Design Studio to recognise that you own the digital cart.)

There are eight cartridges retiring this month. They are:

Batman - The Brave and the Bold
Forever Young
Pink Journey
Walk in my Garden

Here's the screen shots of the new carts (Click on the image to go to the Cricut Blog post to see some amazing projects created with the new carts):

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

October and November Cartridges

Just a quick heads up to let you know that the October and November carts have now been added to Design Studio.

Download them from