Thursday, 25 February 2010

Pagoda cartridge problems

There have been a few posts at the message board about problems with the Pagoda cart.

When pressing Cut in Design Studio those having problems are getting a message box prompting them to insert the Pagoda cart - even though it is already in the machine or jukebox.

If you're having trouble cutting with your Pagoda cartridge contact Provocraft as it may be defective.

UPDATE - 12 June 2010

PC have released a new Font Pack today which finally fixes this problem. They have added "Pagoda Passion" to the Font Pack. Download it from here:

This update also contains 23 of the 24 new Cricut Lite carts.


  1. oh no don't tell me that I just won one

  2. The problems with Pagoda are apparently fixed. You may need to do the program update again.
