Tuesday, 5 February 2008

More on welding inside a frame - "Burping" your design

Sometimes when you weld an object/word inside a frame and click Preview, the inside of the frame won’t have welded correctly.

Here is an example:

The dollar sign has been welded into a frame made using the Base Camp cartridge. Here’s how it looks before you click Preview:

And here is how it looks after you click Preview:

Notice how the inside of the frame doesn’t appear.

Shari (sboz) from the Cricut.com message board has come up with a great term called “Burping” that describes what you need to do. Essentially what has happened is that “air” has become “trapped” inside the frame. If you expel that air your frame will cut correctly.

“Burping” is easy. Just select the last part of the frame you created (in the example above it was the right hand vertical side of the frame).

  • Select Edit, Delete Shapes (or press the Delete key on your keyboard)
  • Select Edit, Undo Delete Shapes (or Ctrl Z on your keyboard)

Now when you click Preview, this is what you should see:

If your frame still isn’t showing correctly, follow the above procedure again deleting different parts of the frame until you get the correct result.


  1. this is SO weird, I wonder why the software does that. It almost seems like a sofware hack (what you're doing..). I think you've found a loophole, hehe. Keep on searching LOL. Creativity will shape the next version!!

  2. This is really strange. I have tried 'burping' both of my shapes, but none of this seems to work and it is so frustrating!
    I am trying to put two shapes together from the Accent Essentials cartridge. I am trying to put a rectangle (base shift) and a scallop shape together to make a page with a scalloped edge on one side. This just isn't working and I feel like buying a punch to do the job!

  3. If you're just welding one object to the side of another, I don't think burping is your problem.

    Is each part a different object (each one has an object box around it). If so, have you click welding on each part?

  4. Feel free to email me the .cut file and I'll take a look at it.

    girlfromoz2009 at hotmail dot com

  5. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I could not figure out why my welding was not working. I appreciate the time you took to write out this mini-lesson. My frame works now!!

  6. You are totally amazing! I've been playing with my DS for about a month & have talked to several people sharing the same problem with welding. Your instructions are so detailed and helpful. I've only cut one vinyl design for my craft room wall which turned out great. Went to cut vinyl today for my foyer wall and keep getting an error message "One of the USB devices attached to this computer has malfunctioned & windows does not recognize it." I've tried rebooting, unplugging & reinserting in all 3 ports with no help. I did see a message on the cricut website that said there have been faulty USB cords.(don't have an extra handy to see) Have you ever had this problem? IF so, any ideas. I will definetly be keeping your site as a bookmark! Keep posting! Thanks! Kandi

  7. I would like to leave the letters in the frame. I would like the negative cut out around the letters and the letters left in the frame?? I have been trying and it's not working???

  8. Hi trynout. Feel free to email me the file and I'll take a look at it for you.

    girlfromoz2009 at hotmail dot com
